Justice Fund

What is the Justice Fund?

The Justice Fund is a portfolio of effective Black led and centered grassroots organizations working at the intersection of electoral politics and justice reform in key swing states.

Which organizations are included in the Justice Fund?

The Justice Fund currently includes:

Additional organizations will be added over the next few weeks as they complete vetting with our partner, the Movement Voter PAC (MVP). As organizations reach their funding goals MVP will rotate them out of the portfolio, either adding new organizations that meet our funding criteria or concentrating donations to help close the funding gaps of the other organizations in our portfolio.

What is the criteria for being included in the Justice Fund?

To make sure donations go where they’re needed most, we’ve partnered with the Movement Voter PAC (MVP), which works to strengthen progressive power at all levels of government by helping donors support the most promising community-based organizations in key states, with a focus on youth and communities of color. MVP supports hundreds of organizations that turn out unlikely voters and organize communities to grow their power and create transformation, from policy to the streets. MVP selected organizations for the Justice Fund portfolio based on these criteria:

  • Electoral Justice: We invest in organizations working at the intersection of electoral politics and criminal justice reform, engaging in important local elections for district attorney, sheriff, and judges; and expanding the base of black voters in key swing states.
  • Black Led and Centered: We invest in black led and centered groups building black political power to change our communities and our nation. These groups are positioned to capture the energy and urgency of this moment of highly public state violence and citizen uprising, and turn it into progress at the ballot box.
  • Geography: We invest in organizations working in the key swing states that are most likely to determine the outcome of November’s presidential election as well as the makeup of the U.S. Senate. Justice Fund organizations work in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Texas, and Colorado.
  • Track Record: We invest in organizations with a proven track record of running effective electoral organizing programs and moving the needle on criminal justice reform.
  • Financial Need and Growth Potential: We invest in organizations that have programs with a clear path to scale where additional dollars will make a tangible impact on election outcomes.